Jessica Walley (Hirst)
(YOG 2010)
Title:Digital Media Administrator
Co. Name:Animal Aid

Current Industry Experience
Information Media & Telecomms
Occupation Fields
Information & Communication Technology
Previous Industry Experience
Information Media & Telecomms
Previous Occupation Fields
Advertising, Public Relations, Media & Arts Hospitality, Food Services & Tourism
Tertiary Level/Institution/Subject Category/Major
  • Bachelor Degree
    Society & Culture
Subjects studied at Year 12
Business Management English Health & Human Devmt Literature Studio Arts
What do you love about your job?

I love being able to gather stories and then share them with the community! It’s very creative and rewarding.

What career advice would you give to your younger self?

Stick with what you love doing, I wanted to be a writer and tell stories, but it sometimes felt like there was no ‘career’ or money in it. I went with my gut instinct and it has been very rewarding and successful. There will always be bumps in the road, but it’s all part of the journey. Be patient and seize opportunities when they come your way. You can’t make a ‘wrong’ decision, there are many pathways.




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